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时间:2024-02-20 09:25:40 点击:121 次


"Yu Mei Ren" or "The Beauty of Yu" is a famous Chinese poem written by the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai. It tells the story of a beautiful woman named Yu who falls in love with a man from a different kingdom. The poem has been translated into many languages, including English, and is still widely read and appreciated today.

The English Translation

Here is an English translation of the poem:

A beauty of Yu is like a fairy,

Her face was a flower in the misty skies.

She came from afar, across the river,

Her beauty was so rare, it caught my eye.

I asked her where she came from,

She said, "I come from the land of the south."

Her voice was as sweet as a nightingale's,

Her words were like a song from the mouth.

I asked her to stay with me,

She said, "I cannot, for I must go."

She gave me a silk scarf as a token,

And left me standing there, alone.

The Meaning of the Poem

The poem is about the beauty and fleeting nature of love. The narrator is enchanted by the beauty of Yu, but she is from a different kingdom and cannot stay with him. The silk scarf she gives him is a symbol of their love,凯发k8娱乐现在还有吗 but it is also a reminder that their time together is limited.

The Significance of Li Bai

Li Bai is one of the most famous poets in Chinese history, and his works are still widely read and studied today. He is known for his romantic and lyrical style, and his poems often explore themes of nature, love, and the human condition. He is also known for his love of wine, which is a recurring theme in many of his poems.

The Legacy of "Yu Mei Ren"

"Yu Mei Ren" is one of Li Bai's most famous poems, and it has been translated into many languages and adapted into various forms of art, including music, dance, and film. It is still widely read and appreciated today, and it continues to inspire new generations of poets and artists.

The Importance of Translation

Translation is an important part of preserving and sharing cultural works like "Yu Mei Ren." By translating the poem into English and other languages, it allows people from different cultures and backgrounds to appreciate and understand the beauty and significance of Li Bai's work.

The Power of Poetry

"Yu Mei Ren" is a testament to the power of poetry to capture the beauty and complexity of human emotions. Through his words, Li Bai is able to convey the fleeting nature of love and the beauty of a moment in time. It is a reminder that even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, there is still beauty and joy to be found in life.


"Yu Mei Ren" is a timeless poem that continues to captivate and inspire readers today. Its beauty and significance have transcended time and cultural barriers, and it serves as a reminder of the power of art to connect us all.


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